Saturday, January 16, 2010

Anyone Can Pole Dance!

The videos above are to show you that ANYONE can pole dance :) You can be big or small, young or old, man or woman. Take time to look at Pole Dancing videos on YouTube, which is where I found these. There are sooo many dancers out there, of all shapes, sizes, ages, and ethnicities. The woman shown above in the middle video is 50 years old!! Isn't she in great shape?! It's amazing to see how many people have posted their pole videos. Regardless of their experience or level of embarrassment :) they want to share their experience on the pole with you. I encourage you to do the same!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder! I'm having a pole party next weekend and one of the girls was thinking of dropping out because she didn't think she could do it! I'm going to send her this link!
